Case Study
Solving TexCap Rebranding Challenges
Marfield’s commercial print services help companies manage their brand identity in print and promotional products. TexCap is just one example. A long-time Marfield customer, TexCap recreated its brand to celebrate its 10-year anniversary as a company.

Rebranding Challenge
In 2005, TexCap Insurance Services was as a designated insurance branch of Texas Capital Bank. Two years later, they became independent and began a journey of growing its family to over 40 people representing some of the top insurance providers in the nation.
Branding Design Elements
The original logo was the shape of the state of Texas in a blue circle, bounded by a red circle. It had a very small footprint on the company’s stationery and business cards, which reflected a classic layout with traditional all uppercase characters.
Color is an important reflection of a company’s branding. TexCap adopted a deep navy blue to represent its professionalism and traditional roots as an insurance agency. To complement, they adopted a vibrant golden-orange that speaks to the personable, family dynamic that makes its agency unique. The resulting logo design features transparency and an open sans-serif font.
We have not changed ownership and we have not changed the way we operate our business. Instead, we have updated our appearance to better showcase who we are and what we stand for.
From the beginning, we knew we wanted to move away from the traditional, outdated look to something more modern and friendly. Our old brand didn’t convey how dynamic, professional, and modern we are.
For the icon, we opted for a layering effect of rounded squares to represent our four core values (relationship, passion, innovation, and solution). It also represents our four main departments: business insurance; personal insurance; benefits, health and life; and private client.
Leaving a Lasting Impression
For printed marketing collateral, TexCap went with a distinctive size that is highly mobile and portable. Rexrode wanted to use customizable inserts in its folders so that each client who received one would feel like the folder has been specifically made for them.
“With our pocket folders, we wanted to showcase a product that was compact, informative, and unique—all qualities that are timeless and effective in regards to marketing trends,” Rexrode said.
The new business card is a tactile experience. No more single-sided white business cards. The new cards have a velvety texture, rounded corners, colorful bleeding edge, thicker stock, and more readable font and layout.
“Before our rebrand, the design and packaging of our materials didn’t quite match the quality of service we provide for our clients. Now, from our laminated business cards to our small pocket folder brochures, our collateral pieces are eye-catching and memorable for both younger and older audiences.”
Branding Challenges Solved
The most challenging part of the rebrand was facilitating the brand launch to TexCap’s clients and insurance companies.
“We were able to overcome this challenge through careful planning and collaboration over many months,” Rexrode said. As far as the brand itself, Rexrode spent a lot of time on making sure that their brand colors were consistent across as many digital and print platforms as possible.
“Marfield helped tremendously in this area by providing options and expertise in the printing process of our business cards, pocket folders, inserts, envelopes, and more,” Rexrode said.
“Marfield has been incredibly helpful in our rebrand, and not just because of the products and service they offer but because of their level of customer service. They were very quick to respond to any questions we had and offered solutions to problems we encountered along the way. Because of the quality of their work, we have all the print materials we need to proudly showcase our new TexCap Insurance brand.”
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